We want to import advanced technology from you in order to compete successfully on the international market. 为了能在国际市场上成功地参与竞争,我方想向贵方进口先进技术。
In all of the above examples, the EJB components have to import vendor-specific implementation classes in order to use the connection pooling facilities of the resource. 在以上所有示例中,EJB组件必须导入特定于供应商的实现类,以使用资源的连接合用设施。
Basically, a module is a resource you import in order to use it. 一般来说,模块是您为了使用而进行导入的一项资源。
Later on in this wizard you will be able to restrict how users are able to interact with connection settings. note: it is not necessary to import your current settings in order to set the restrictions that you will be prompted for later. 可在本向导的后面部分对用户处理连接设置的能力进行限制。注意:没有必要为了设置限制(系统将在以后提示您进行此操作)而导入当前设置。
Regulating Import and Export Practices While Maintaining Normal Trade Order (三)规范进出口行为,维护正常进出口秩序
Through Mapping imports knives, the homemade tool can achieve import substitution tool to reduce production costs, and shorten order cycle. 测绘进口刀具,实现国产刀具替代进口刀具降低生产成本,缩短订货周期。
Where the import or export of such goods or technologies must be prohibited in order to protect human life or health; 为保护人的生命或者健康,必须禁止进口或者出口的;
Where the import or export shall be restricted in order to safeguard the national security or public interest; 为维护国家安全或者社会公共利益,需要限制进口或者出口的;
Note: It is not necessary to import your current settings in order to set the restrictions that you will be prompted for later. 注意:没有必要为了设置以后提示您的限制而导入当前设置。
Cyber Import strives to guide every order to successful conclusion. 赛博公司尽量指导每个定单最后成功。
Where the import shall be restricted in order to establish or accelerate the establishment of a particular domestic industry; 为建立或者加快建立国内特定产业,需要限制进口的;
If you are a company about to make an import order, or a tourist going on holiday, you will enter the market, even if you dislike the rates on offer. 如果你是一家即将下进口订单的公司,或是出国度假的游客,即便你对汇率不满意,你也会进入外汇市场。
Describes how to use the witimport command-line tool to import a work item type definition in order to start to use a customized work item type on an existing project. 介绍如何使用witimport命令行工具导入工作项类型定义,从而开始在现有项目中使用自定义工作项类型。
The increased import order has created hundreds of job opportunities. 出口订单的增加提供了数以百计的就业机会。
Greece must have help to import the goods necessary to restore internal order and security so essential for economic and political recovery. 只有在别国的帮助下得到这些必需品,希腊才能重整社会秩序和安全,才能复苏经济,恢复政治。
We must import technology and equipment in an apple-pie order. 我们要有条不紊地引进国外的技术和装备。
Lacking in income-based saving, the US had to import surplus saving from abroad in order to grow and ran massive current-account deficits to attract the foreign capital. 由于基于收入的储蓄不足,美国不得不从国外进口盈余储蓄以实现增长并让经济出现巨额经常账户赤字以吸引外国资本。
Users can import new information in the knowledge system, in order to gain a reasonable, perfect repository. 同时,用户还可以通过输入新的因素或知识直接参与到知识系统的建立中来,最终得到一个合理、完善的知识库。
The early theories of economic development encouraged developing countries to implement industrialization policies with the character of import substitution. In order to implement such policies, the countries had to utilize interest rate regulation policy to accelerate capital accumulation. 早期的发展经济学理论鼓励发展中国家实施以进口替代战略为代表的工业化政策,为了加速资本积累就需要辅之以利率管制政策。
Fraud causes severe loss to honest trade parties and banks of export and import countries. It also destroys normal order of international trade and international economy. 欺诈行为给诚实的贸易方和进出口银行造成了严重的损失,也破坏了正常的国际贸易、国际经济秩序。
It's import an t to develop the innovative culture in order to build an innovation& oriented country. 建设创新型国家,大力发展创新文化是关键。
Hence, it is necessary to study and import forfaiting in order to face the foreign banks 'challenges and serve the Chinese exports better. 因此有必要对福费廷业务加以研究和引进,以更好地迎接外资银行的挑战,服务于中国的出口贸易。
For this reason, we import partial order relation ( reflexivity, anti-reflexivity, transitivity) into decision table, and we get the partial order decision table. 为此,在决策表上引进了偏序关系(自反性、反对称性、传递性)得到偏序关系表,并在此基础上进行数据分析,决策规则的简化。
Whether can effectively control the smuggling and regulate Import/ export trade order will be directly relevant to social stability and economic development. 能否有效控制走私、规范进出口贸易秩序将直接关系着社会稳定和经济发展。
Such a large-scale import of crude oil needs marine transport. In order to reduce the transportation cost, it is necessary to use large tanker carriers and large-scale ports and terminal facilities to complete discharge and transfer tasks. 如此大规模进口的原油,绝大部分需要通过海上运输,为了降低运输成本,就必须要用超大型油轮承运,与之相匹配,需要建设具有大规模接卸能力的港口及码头设施来完成接卸和中转任务。
Because of the limited production of iron ore, we need to import a large amount of iron ore in order to meet the command of the development of the steel industry. 由于国内铁矿石产量有限,我国只能通过大量进口铁矿石来满足国内钢铁工业发展的需要。
With the development, immaterial cultural construction is more than more the best key gene influencing the development in the area, which becomes a import stretch policy measure in order to boost up the area competition by the government. 随着发展,区域非物质文化的建设日益成为影响区域发展的最关键的因子,成为许多政府为增强区域竞争优势而选择的一种重要的弹性政策措施。
Currently, operators are actively trying to import WLAN technology in order to solve the problem of insufficient capacity and improve the users 'experience. 目前,运营商正积极引入WLAN技术试图以3G+WLAN混合组网的方式来解决3G网络在热点区域容量不足的问题,从而改善用户的体验。
To achieve the success of the economic development, the developing countries need to practice the industrial strategy of import, strengthen the internal economic cooperation in order to get rid of the side effect of the traditional world economic system. 发展中国家只有摆脱这种旧的国际经济体系,实行进口替代的工业化战略,并加强内部的经济合作,才能实现经济发展的成功。